
An ancient method of healing using horse-hair thin needles to promote health and wellbeing

Acupuncture sessions

Acupuncture was first discovered thousands of years ago. This alone shows its efficacy as it has stood the test of time as a healing modality.

A needle that is as thick as horsehair is inserted to the correct depth and direction in order to target a specific point. When this is achieved you have acupuncture.

A treatment option for adults and the elderly. It is rarely used on children.

An example of an internal condition is a cough or upset stomach; an example of an exterior condition is acne. Acupuncture can treat both.

Using channels of blood and qi an acupuncturist can relax or activate muscles, tendons or ligaments. This can manage health conditions, alleviate symptoms or promote general wellbeing.


It can be used in conjunction with other services to offer complete care


When the correct point is used the effect can be euphoric


A good method to treat pain


Acupuncture can assist in managing chronic conditions


Acute conditions such as stomach upset

"A women came to see me with severe pain in her face. The facial nerves were causing her issues. Even just a hair falling across her face caused sharp pain. After 5 sessions of acupuncture she was able to use makeup, the treatment was lifechanging for her and non invasive. I had a man who couldn’t lift his arm up. After acupuncture the range of movement improved and he was able to lift it fully."

– Danielle Quentric